We've changed the way logins work - 16th March 2022

RedSeed administrators may notice some subtle-but-important changes to the way they add trainees.

In the past, they might have set the password for new users on the 'add user' screen. They may also have left the password fields blank, allowing the system to generate a new password. 

RedSeed then emailed the password to the new user.

However, we soon realised that assigning passwords to new users like this meant that they can’t choose an easy-to-remember password, or - even better - store it in a secure password management system.

In todays update, we've changed our login process to be more secure and intuitive.

Administrators no longer set a password for new users

Administrators no longer need to set the password for new users. Instead, the email we send to new trainees contains a link that allows them to set their own password.

We’ve also added a button on the login screen that allows users to log in without setting a password at all. Simply click the button that says 'email me a login link' and we’ll email you a secure link to log straight in, no password required!

Self-registration now allows users to choose their own password

We’ve also made some changes to the way new users register (if this is enabled on your instance of RedSeed).

In the past, after registration, we would send you an email containing your password, generated by the system. Todays update, however, includes password fields on the registration form, so users can set their own passwords.

We’ve also added an 'email verification' step for self-registered users, which they’ll have to complete before gaining access to their training.

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