How do I upload a document to RedSeed?

The RedSeed LMS gives clients the ability to maintain their own document library. PDF files can be easily uploaded as well as .docx, .xlsx and.mp4 video files.

NOTE: Uploading documents requires an administrator account and this feature must also be enabled for your company. Please talk with your RedSeed Account Manager for more information.

Upload a resource document

  1. Click the RESOURCES button on the main menu bar.

  2. From the RESOURCES screen click the ADD NEW RESOURCE button at the top right and the following resource upload screen will appear.

  3. Either drag the file into the drop area or click ‘browse’ to upload the file. PLEASE NOTE: The RedSeed LMS supports the following files types for uploading: pdf, docx, xlsx and mp4 video files.
  4. Once the course file has uploaded the EDIT RESOURCE DETAILS screen will appear.

  5. ACTIVE VERSION: The active version will be version 1 and have the current date and time. If you upload a new version of this resource you will need to select the new version from this drop-down.
  6. NAME: You can now give your resource a name. This will be what trainees see - so make it logical and easy to find!.
  7. LOCATIONS: This section allows you to determine what locations within your business the resource is available too. Simply check and uncheck the locations as required.
  8. CATEGORIES: You can tag a resource with a category or multiple categories. You may need to make, or add, the category first if it doesn't already exist - if so just click the 'New Category' button.
  9. DESCRIPTION: You can add a description of the resource item.
  10. RESOURCE THUMBNAIL: If you have an image that you want to associate with this resource then you can drag and drop an image to upload or click the little pencil icon to browse for your image. This image will be cropped to a square — so to make these look great upload a nicely designed square image.
  11. STATUS: By default when you upload a resource item this will be 'draft'. Change it to 'published' so it becomes visible for your users.
  12. DELETE: If you need to completely delete this resource click the DELETE button by please be aware this cannot be undone! Once you delete it it's gone forever!
  13. And lastly, click SAVE CHANGES at the top right of the screen!
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