How do I create a SkillsCheck?

  1. Login to RedSeed and select the SKILLSCHECK option from the menu bar along the top of the page.
  2. This page will show all your current SkillsChecks. From this page you can edit existing SkillsChecks or create a new one. To create a new SkillsCheck select ADD NEW SKILLSCHECK.
  3. Enter the following details into the fields provided. SkillsCheck Title - Name of the SkillsCheck.
  4. SkillsCheck Overview / Introduction - for the Trainee - This is the first thing a Trainee will see when they start the SkillsCheck so make sure it describes what is required of the Trainee. 
  5. SkillsCheck Overview / Introduction - for the Coach - This is the first thing a Trainee will see when they start the SkillsCheck so make sure it describes what is required of the Coach. It can include images, videos, or custom HTML. NOTE: You can toggle between the Trainee Overview and Coach Overview using the buttons in the top right of the Overview panel. Use the + symbol to add images, quotes, custom code etc to make your SkillsChecks stand out from the pack!
  6. Press the ‘Save Changes’ button in the top right corner once you have entered all the details.
  7. Now it is time to create ‘Activities’ for your Trainees to complete as a part of the SkillsCheck. You can add a new Activity by clicking on the ADD NEW ACTIVITY button in the ‘SkillsCheck activities’ section. NOTE: SkillsChecks can have as many Activities as you'd like.
  8. Similar to the Overview/Introduction section you need to provide content which the Trainee will see and that the Coach will see. For the Trainee, these can be simple text questions, images, videos, etc to keep it dynamic and interesting! For the Coach, you will need to provide information on what they should expect from the Trainee i.e. the model answer.
  9. Press SAVE CHANGES once you have finished entering all the details of the Activity.
  10. To attach a SkillsCheck to a course click the ATTACH TO NEW COURSE button under the ‘Attached courses’ field. From the dropdown select the course and press SAVE CHANGES.
  11. To save the SkillsChecks press the SAVE CHANGES button in the top right corner.

NOTE: You can delete/edit any SkillsChecks from the main SkillsCheck menu.

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