
With Rewards, learners can earn points for completing courses, which they can then redeem for rewards.

Rewards is a recent feature added to RedSeed LMS. To access it, please contact your account manager or email

Table of contents

Accumulating Points

Redeeming Points for Rewards

Assigning Points to Courses

Adding Rewards

Viewing Rewards Redeemed

Reporting on Reports and Redemptions

Automating Redemptions

Accumulating points

Learners can accumulate points by completing courses that have points assigned. Points are shown on the top right corner of the course on the My training page:

A course with points assigned

Learners earn points each time they complete a course. For example, if a course can be completed multiple times, learners will receive points for each completion.

The learner's points balance is shown in the header at the top right of their My training page:

This learner has earned 20 points

Redeeming points for rewards

Learners can redeem points by clicking their points balance in the header. This will take them to the Available rewards page, where they'll be able to see a list of the rewards available to them:

The learner now has the option to select a reward. Once fulfilled, the reward's points value will be subtracted from the learner's points balance.

Assigning points to courses

Administrators can assign points to courses on the Course settings page. If you don't see the Points field, please contact your account manager or email They will turn this feature on for your organisation.

Note: SkillsChecks can also be assigned points via the Course settings page.

Learners won't earn points for courses completed before points were assigned. Only those who complete the course after points are assigned will receive points.

If the points assigned to a course change, learners who completed it previously won't have their points updated.

If you need to retroactively allocate points to learners or update balances, please reach out to your account manager or email

Adding rewards

To do this, click Add reward on the Rewards page:

Administrators then enter the details of the reward.

Remember to click the Available for redemption switch at the bottom of your page and Save to activate this reward.

You have total control over the rewards you offer and how many points are required to redeem them.

Viewing rewards redeemed

To view which rewards have been fulfilled and which are pending, click on Rewards and then the specific reward you wish to view.

You can fulfill the reward off this page by clicking Mark as fulfilled.

Reporting on points and redemptions

Rewards has two reports, accessible via Reports -> Rewards.

Points summary report

The Points summary report has a row per learner and shows each learner's points balance.

Reward redemptions report

The Reward redemptions report has a row per reward redeemed. This report includes the reward chosen by the learner and the redemption's status, which could be "Pending" or "Fulfilled".

From the Reward redemptions report, you can Mark as fulfilled a reward that is requested by a learner once you have actioned this.

Automating redemptions

Using API endpoints and webhooks, it is possible to implement a wide range of automation to streamline the redemption and fulfilment processes. For more information, please see the RedSeed API Docs.

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