
Check-ins give learners the opportunity to check their understanding of the content and apply what they've learned. This isn't a test where their score is recorded. Learners can attempt the check-in as many times as they need.

Important: The course will require learners to get all check-ins on a page correct before they can move on. 

Click on 'Check-in' in your section menu to choose from these options: 

'Choose one' and 'Choose many'

Choose one is a question where the learner must select the ONE correct answer. 

Choose many is a question where the learner must select ALL correct answers. 

To edit these questions, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Type directly into the section to write your question and each possible answer.
  2. Open the section settings and select which choice(s) are correct. 
  3. Also in section settings, type in the correct and incorrect feedback you want the learner to see when they get the answer right or wrong.

Here's an example:

Card sort

A card sort activity allows learners to sort multiple examples or statements into different piles or categories.

To edit a card sort, you'll need to do the following in the section settings:

  1. Change the names of your categories.
  2. If required, click 'Add category' to add more categories to your card sort. HINT: Don't add more than four categories, or your activity will become quite complicated for your learner.
  3. Add items to each category.
  4. Type your examples or statements into the items you've created.
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