How do I manage a Trainees course enrolments?
The following steps take you through how to enroll a user in a pathway or course.
Adding Course Enrolments
To manage course enrolments for a user click the EDIT ENROLMENTS button on the USER DETAILS screen. For information on how to access the USER DETAILS screen click here. If your last action was adding a new user then you will have been automatically directed to the MANAGE ENROLMENTS screen and you can skip this first step.
This will take you to the MANAGE ENROLMENTS screen where you will be able to view training pathways and courses available for the user.
- If your company has learning pathways then these will appear first in the Learning Pathways panel. You can enroll a trainee in the learning pathway(s) required by ticking the switch and they will automatically follow a predetermined course pathway through all the courses within the pathway. You can expand the pathway by clicking the SHOW PATHWAY COURSES button to view all the courses within the pathway. You DO NOThave to tick each course within the pathway as this will be managed automatically — for example, once the user finishes course one they will be automatically enrolled in course two, and so on.
- To enroll the user in a course or courses that aren't within a learning pathway just click the switch (so it's selected/ticked) next to the course.
- You may have to assign a coach to the enrolment - the coach will be responsible for any long answer question marking and practical coaching activities.
- Once all course enrolment selections have been made click the SAVE CHANGES button in the Pending changes panel at the top right. This panel lets you see what changes, enrolments or un-enrolments, have been selected prior to saving them.
Corse Re-sits
Courses that have been completed (under the completed tab) and that can be redone will be indicated with a RE-SIT COURSE button next to it — just click this button and the trainee will be re-enrolled in the course
Un-enrolling a User in a Course
To un-enroll a user in a course, or pathway, just un-check the switch. Then check the changes in the Pending changes panel and once you're happy click SAVE CHANGES.