How do I add a new user to RedSeed?

The features and steps outlined in this article are only available for Manager/Coach and Administrator users of the RedSeed LMS.

If you have a new team member, you’ll need to set them up with a RedSeed account. Simply log in to RedSeed and navigate to your ‘Dashboard’ via the top navigation menu.

  1. From your RedSeed Dashboard, click the ‘Add user’ button. The ‘Add a new user’ screen will appear.

  2. First name: Enter the user’s first name(s).
  3. Last name: Enter the user’s last name(s).
  4. Email address: Enter the user’s email address.
  5. Username: This field is automatically populated. If you set it manually, it must be unique; an error will display if it isn’t.
  6. Location & language: Specify the user’s location within your organisation and choose their preferred language.
  7. User type: Select from either Trainee, Manager (who can coach), Administrator (who can coach) or an Administrator (without coaching). Only Administrator users can create other Administrator users. To learn more about these user types click here.
  8. Employee code: Enter a unique ID (such as Payroll ID or Employee number). If this option isn’t set up, please contact RedSeed Support.
  9. User role: Choose a role from the available list (if roles are configured for your company). For more information, speak with your RedSeed Account Manager.
  10. Finally, click the ‘Save user and continue to courses’ button to save the new user and proceed to assign course enrollments. To learn how to assign courses, click here.

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