How do I archive or unarchive a team member?

If a team member has left your company and you no longer wish to keep seeing their details on your dashboard you can archive their user account. Or maybe the team member has returned to your company and you need to reinstate or unarchive thier user account.


  • This feature is only available to ‘Administrator’ and 'Coach/Manager' user accounts within the RedSeed LMS.

Archiving a user account

PLEASE NOTE: Archived users won’t appear on your ‘Dashboard’, so you’ll need to do a quick search (using the top navigation menu) to find the user. Click on their name to access their account settings to unarchive them if required.

  1. Find the user by either using the search feature on the ‘Dashboard’ or navigating to their location via the Locations panel.

  2. Click on the user’s name to go to the team members screen, then click ‘Edit User’.
  3. To archive (or hide) the user, click ‘Archive [username]’ in the ‘User Archive’ section.

  4. You’ll then see an informational warning and need to click ‘Confirm’ to archive the user.

  5. If the user has coaching assignments, you’ll see a warning indicating that these must be reassigned before the user can be archived. Coaching assignments must be transferred to another coach before you can archive a user.

Unarchiving a user

PLEASE NOTE: Archived users won’t appear on your ‘Dashboard’, so you’ll need to do a quick search (using the top navigation menu) to find the user. Click on their name to access their account settings to unarchive them if required.

  1. Find the team member you wais to unachive by using the search feature on the ‘Dashboard’.

  2. Click on the user’s name to go to the team members screen, then click ‘Edit User’.
  3. In the ‘User archive' section click the ‘Unarchive [username]’ button.

  4. After reading the informational message click the ‘Confirm’ button.

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