How do I see what marking I have to do?
If your trainees have reached a session of a course that has a marking requirement, either workbook questions or practical activities, you'll have received an email notification saying you've got some marking or coaching to do! The next time you log in to RedSeed this is the first screen you'll see.
The left panel shows your current workbook marking and practical activities awaiting marking. The panel on the right lists all trainees that have you as their assigned coach.
Workbook answers that require marking are shown via this icon.
Practical activities that require coaching are shown via this icon.
The trainees appearing at the top of the list submitted their session for marking first (the oldest or most amount of days ago) through to the most recent (or newest) at the bottom - so we'd recommend you start at the top of the list to keep your trainees progressing!
If the number of days is displayed in red then the trainee has become inactive. Usually, this is because their marking or coaching hasn't been completed within 7 days - so you better get going! For more info on inactivity alerts and times refer to this guide. Inactivity Alerts
Clicking on the entire row will take you to the first unmarked workbook question or practical activity if they have no workbook questions requiring marking. If required you can go directly to the first unmarked question or activity by clicking on either icon.
For more info on marking workbook questions refer to this guide. Marking workbook questions
For more info on coaching practical activities refer to this guide. Coaching practical activities