What is my RedSeed Dashboard?

This Dashboard provides you with an overview of courses, locations, and training within the RedSeed system. Below we’ll provide a summary of the different sections and the valuable data they provide you.

Your level of access, or what you can and can't see on the dashboard, is determined by the location of your user account within the system. For example, if you're an HR administrator at head-office you may be able to see all the users and training for all your locations — the regions, stores, and departments that make up your organisation. However, if you're a store manager you'll only be able to see the users and training for your store and your store only!

Searching for users and locations can be done by using the ‘Search’ bar in the top right-hand corner of your screen.


Your personal details can be edited at any stage by clicking on your name near the top right corner of your screen. Click here to read more about editing your user account.


The key colours will most likely be different for your company but for this example, we're using, wait for it... red!

The colours on the graphs and bars represent each of the 4 training statuses — they are complete, active, inactive, and not-started. You can also use the filters to uncheck, or check, each status to hide or show that training status for the panels below. This can be great if you just want to view trainees for example that haven't started their training.


You can filter the courses shown on your dashboard and the visibility of the different training statuses by clicking the FILTERS button. 

Then select the courses you want to see from the dropdown list and toggle the status selectors and click the APPLY SETTINGS button. These changes you make remain 'sticky' so if you need to change it back, to show all courses and statuses, just click the FILTERS button again and select all the courses and statuses and click the APPLY SETTINGS button.


This SUMMARY panel gives you an overview of exactly how many current users you have visibility of, the number of current courses, total course enrolments, and your current energy score.

You’ll also notice a rather nifty pie graph summary displaying how your trainees are doing in regards to each course enrolment and whether they are complete, active, inactive, or not started.


The STATUS panel shows training trends over time for each current course enrolment.

NOTE: This bar graph is an accumulative graph meaning that rather than showing discrete month-by-month totals we show you an accumulative total of your trainees that have: completed their training, are currently actively training, are currently inactive, or have not started. The coloured bar segments represent these four key training statuses.


This section has nothing to do with your workspace's power bill — but rather your trainees' ENERGY (think engagement) in the RedSeed training space displayed over time.

Your energy score will be a number between 0% and 100%. The more trainees that have completed or are active in their training the higher your energy score will be. If most of your trainees are inactive or haven't started their training then your score will be lower and you should give them a rev up.

For more information about what your energy score means, how you can improve it, and how we calculate it, click here.


The COURSES panel details all of the current courses your company offers to your trainees. The various colours represent the numbers of trainees who have completed their training, are currently actively training, are inactive, or haven’t yet started their training. The total number of enrolments for each course is displayed on the far right.

If colours aren’t your thing though you can roll your mouse over the course progress bar and it will give you the exact statistics for these four training statuses.


By default, we show the statistics for all the active courses your organisation currently offers its trainees but you can click the FILTERS button at the top right of the dashboard to select or deselect which courses you'd like to appear on your dashboard. Filtering courses in this way changes the displayed information in other panels within the dashboard — so it’s a great way to focus on a particular course, group of courses, or to hide a course from view.


You are able to sort this section by name and the number of trainees enrolled in the course by clicking on the column headings.


Here you can view how many trainees are registered in each location for your company — these locations will generally be regions, stores or departments and you should think of these locations as a representation of your company’s hierarchy or structure.

Roll your mouse over the progress bars and it will give you the statistics of how many of your trainees' enrolments are complete, active, inactive or not started.


This panel also allows you to navigate to any region, store, or department. Just click any location to view the entire dashboard for that location.


You can sort within this panel by location name, how many trainees are registered to each location, and also by the total number of enrolments for each location. 


The USERS panel gives you an overview of the individual users registered to your business at the location, region or store you are currently viewing.

You can roll your mouse over the progress bars for each user it will display detailed statistics of how many enrolments are complete, active, inactive or not started.

You can also see at a glance who are: 

Trainee users

Manager / Coach users

Administrator users


You can click a user's name and it will take you through to the user dashboard where you can:


Clicking the ‘Add User’ button from this panel allows you to add a new user to the current location.

For more information about adding a user click here.


You can also sort this user list by name if there is any marking pending and by the total number of enrolments for each user.

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